Peeling the Onion is a self-portrait series and the result of self-isolation caused by the Covid pandemic.
Hair plays an important role in cultures around the world. In some Native American tribes, hair is sacred and a sign of cultural identification. The German proverb "alte Zöpfe abschneiden" is a metaphor for progress when Prussia in the 18th century introduced a new hairstyle for soldiers.
Today, the treatment of male pattern baldness is a multi-billion dollar industry. It is well known that many people cut their hair drastically to make a clean break after a break-up or other major life change. So it came as no surprise when many people changed their appearance, particularly their hairstyle, at this significant time. Maybe we were all looking for a distraction from the overwhelming Covid news, maybe we finally felt free to play around, or maybe we felt it was time for a clean slate.
Published as part of the project
2020edited by the photo editors class
of Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie.
Photos by Carolin Klemm
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